According to the Naruto Wiki, the Naruto series begins when a Nine-Tails Fox attacks Konoha, causing massive destruction both in terms of property and lives. At this time, the leader of Konoha, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato gave his life to destroy the beast, and sealed it into his son's body. Before he died, he wanted the villagers to respect Naruto even though his body contained the Nine-Tails.
However, Naruto's childhood did not pass smoothly. He grew up without a mother, without a father, and endured alienation from the people of Konoha. They feared Naruto's demon fox body and vented their anger at him as if he were the monster.
The Third Hokage has made a rule that prohibits people from discussing or mentioning the attack of the Nine-Tails. But that doesn't stop people from seeing Naruto as an outsider. Naruto performed many mischievous tricks to gain attention and recognition from the villagers.
Childhood Naruto was isolated and shunned by the people of Konoha
When Naruto graduated from the Ninja Academy, he discovered two truths: the Nine-Tails Fox was sealed in his body, and the Third Hokage cared about him. After this event, Naruto's worldview gradually changed and was redefined completely.
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Naruto and his two friends Uchiha Sasuke and Sakura Haruno, under the supervision of Kakashi-sensei Hatake, set out to adventure, discover and enhance their own powers. Along the way, Naruto learned many new moves, met many other characters, and learned more about villages other than Konoha.
The character line outside of Team 7 also gradually expanded with the participation of characters from other villages, and the villainous line Momochi Zabuza – a ninja exile from the Mist Village, followed by Orochimaru, an S-rank exiled ninja At the top of Konoha's most wanted list,... Through this battle journey, Naruto's relationship with the members of Team 7 gradually tightened, he considered his teammates like his family.
Naruto grew closer to Sasuke and Sakura after joining Team 7
In Part II: Naruto Shippuden, Uchiha Sasuke merch decision to follow Orochimaru because he hates his brother and wants to increase his strength causes Naruto to leave the Village to find and bring Sasuke back. The development of the story becomes more and more interesting, thrilling with many bigger challenges. Not only must he find Sasuke, but Naruto must now fight a mysterious organization called Akatsuki, who are pursuing him to take away the Nine-Tailed Fox.
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